Tuesday, May 25, 2021

You're Seeing Things

the idiom's "you're seeing things,"
meaning things that aren't there,
things that are not. maybe

a swish of wish fulfillment,
filaments of tropical optical
illusions, fusions of shapes

in the mind behind the eyes.
hope and fear make us tell
ourselves sensory lies. 

in truth (a country hard 
to find), whatever whats
are out there blink in 

and out of form. shiftiness
seems to be the quantum
norm. that's what they say,

the theys that write articles
about particles. we're all seeing--
sensing--things that are/are not

there. every gray boulder's
a bag of flickering electrons.
each crowd of people's an ad

hoc conference of arrivals
and gones. as reality's always
elsewhere, we agree temprorarily

to pretend present forms
can be trusted--can of soup,
freeway loop, chicken coop. 

roosters of routine doodle-do
us awake, and we wake from
one dawning dream into 

another. and another . . . .

hans ostrom 2021

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