Showing posts with label owl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label owl. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Owl

As silently as an untold secret,
an owl passed over our heads
into trees and out of our view
forever. People, creatures,

and things visit our lives,
then leave. Come in, go out.
And each of us passes by
or into lives of others,
and then we leave. They
forget, we forget, and then
once upon a future, we die.

And the unseen owl has seized
something to eat & takes it
to the nest in a forest beyond dreaming.

hans ostrom 2024

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Like a Turnip

It might start with the shriek
of a hawk or the ruining racket
of a jackhammer. Or with the low,
low flute note from a great horned
owl, or with the wail of a baby nearby. 

Anyway, a sound that seizes you,
uproots you from your moment,
like a turnip from damp soil,
and tosses you into the basket
of a different reality. Pulled

or pushed into one space
of the "real after" another,
only falsely sure we know
what's coming in the mirage's flow--
oh, such is life, life such as it is.

Hans Ostrom 2024

Monday, March 19, 2018

Our Magic Shows

I am a salamander.
Your are a butterfly.
You are an eel,
and I am a walrus.

I am a sand flea,
and you are an eagle.
You are an armadillo.
I am an owl.

As you well know,
you and I change forms
quite often, at least in
the magic shows

we improvise so as
to keep each other entertained.

hans ostrom 2018

Saturday, January 31, 2015

"The Superb Owl"

(super bowl)

What is this superb owl
that everyone's talking about?
It sounds fantastic. I would
like to watch it, to see it glide
in moonlight across
a clearing, alighting in a grove.

Well, yes, of course, we may hold
a superb owl press-conference
and attend superb owl parties!
I don't yet know what in particular
the superb owl even better
than other owls I've seen.
I will not quit until I find out.

In the meantime, let be known
that near barns and in woods,
in city parks and gullies,
on plains and in mountains,
I am a fan of the superb owl,
its perfect wingspan cutting
silently, like longing,
through the air.

hans ostrom
copyright 2015