Even if what we know is incorrect,
and most of it is,
how could it not be,
it's knowledge: it's in there,
camped in memory, sending
smoke signals from box canyons,
tramping around neuron trails.
The grandest illusion of all,
knowledge, freeze-dried
in old books, hoarded like grain
and gunpowder in electronic
forts, marbled into our speech
and memories, alive in lore,
legend, lies, logos, ethos,
eros, and pathos. Still,
add it all up, and it's just
a single torch held up
against abysmal black
darkness in a forest
no one's yet named on
one of a trillion planets.
The one and the zero
in binary strings: we know
everything, we know nothing,
a lot, a little bit, maybe, hard
to say, wait and see. You know?
hans ostrom 2021