How lovely of us to help
others keep us under surveillance
with devices we have solemnly,
enthusiastically purchased. A
good citizen is an informed citizen.
Some of us stand in line and ready
to trample each other to get mitts
on the new stuff. We're eager
to help states and corporations
know where we are and what
we're up to. Lovingly we tap
our devices with finger and thumbs.
We message, instantly! We opine.
We stay in touch. We stay in range.
hans ostrom 2014
others keep us under surveillance
with devices we have solemnly,
enthusiastically purchased. A
good citizen is an informed citizen.
Some of us stand in line and ready
to trample each other to get mitts
on the new stuff. We're eager
to help states and corporations
know where we are and what
we're up to. Lovingly we tap
our devices with finger and thumbs.
We message, instantly! We opine.
We stay in touch. We stay in range.
hans ostrom 2014