Showing posts with label American fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American fascism. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2021

How Are You Enjoying the Dictatorship?

 (first posted January 27, 2017)

Oh look America
at what White Supremacy
made you do again.

Fear of change, fear
of knowledge, too. Oh,
look, White men at what

never growing up
has set loose like a
plague. Oh, look,

women, at what
White men want to to
to your body

citing some whacked-
out version of some

Still flying that
Confederate flag
and hanging nooses?

Still really proud
of slavery and Jim Crow? 
Nice way to show

you don't know 
right from wrong. 
Oh, look America

at what snorting
celebrity will get you. 
A bloated faux billionaire

racist on top means
you've hit bottom. Again. 
Where the dictator's 

people will stomp you,
just their way of thanking
you for your support. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Maybe there will be rabbits
in my dreams tonight. Not bunnies--
jackrabbits, wild hares. Maybe
I'll see a vast brown plain filled
with gray smokestacks
overseen by stained skies.

Or maybe centipedes
by the thousands will pour
out of the mouth of the President
of the United States. He'll
speak in centipedes, which
will invade the ears of his
audience. And still a lot
of people won't be horrified.
In fact will be ecstatic.

hans ostrom 2019