Showing posts with label know thyself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label know thyself. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2020

My Journey of Self-Discovery: Postponed

 Once more I've had
to postpone my journey
of self-discovery. Just

too many other things
to do. Cooking, cleaning,
sleeping, reading. In
theory, sex. Plus there's
the old, yet to be solved

problem: what would 
I do at the end of my 
journey of self-discovery?
Write a report? Say
"Nice to meet you"?

I think it would be very
awkward to converse
with my self-discovered self. 

hans ostrom 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Anyway, Give It a Try

Socrates or the committee
that built the Temple of Delphi
or someone else said, "Know
calls this "a moral epistemolo-
gical injunction." A search warrant.
Know thyself: Good luck with that.

It's frequently exhausting just
taking care of oneself, family,
friends, work, pets. Then there's
the community and, in theory,
pleasure. True self-knowledge
is like that vacation you never take.

It's also an illusion, one of the
all-time best. I wonder if
Socrates knew what kind of person
goes around advising other
people, "Know thyself."

hans ostrom 2020