Will you invade again, Empire?
To show your Empire license
hasn't expired? Send troops,
send planes and drones with
bombs, ready the rockets
and missiles, prepare to unleash
empirical Hell? Again?
We know the arguments against.
The moral, the political,
and the historical. Today
I'm thinking of the emotional.
Dead children. Dead everyone.
Terrorized families. Blasted homes.
No place to go, no water
to drink, no hope, no food.
And the practical. When you
can trade for and buy
treasure, when your people
have plenty, when you can
defend yourself a hundred
times over, when your people
are sick of war and just
want to live and work and
love, when your power's
already super, why perform this
depraved stupidity again?
Is it out of some sick habit?
Some cultural addiction?
To what end? I guess if I have
to task the question, then
I'm not empire material.
Although I live in one of several.
hans ostrom 2021