Eve and colleague Adam
tripped over an apple and fell.
A snake smirked. I myself
have fallen in love
after stumbling over
a load of infatuation,
or bumbling through
a course of social
obstacles: slapstick
Casanova. This falling
in love sounds so fateful,
injurious, actionable--
beset by heartfelt
soreness, bruised feelings,
ego deflation. We're liable
to dislike it. The idea of love
sells tickets and products
and rosy futures: thus are
we encouraged to take
risks, show caution the door.
Well, we might think of
leaning in love, after a
light repast and several
laughs. Or rolling in love,
weaving like in-line
skaters near the beach,
glad and balanced.
Yes I know it's counter-
cultural, but what about a
steady climb into love?
One foot after another?
No, I guess not. Passion's
ever the fashion. Good luck.
hans ostrom 2021