Showing posts with label smoking poem tobacco poem smoking ban Sierra City cigars cigarettes chewing tobacco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoking poem tobacco poem smoking ban Sierra City cigars cigarettes chewing tobacco. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Alas, the Smokers

I grew up when thick blue
atmospheres hung in diners,
bars, and living-rooms. My
Old Man smoked cigars
and pipes in the house.
The mad uncle I worked
for at a rock-crushing plant
chain-smoked cigarettes
and chewed tobacco
at the same time.

To be ladies, women held
cigarettes a certain way,
blew the smoke straight up
to a ceiling, left red lipstick
on the crushed butts.

Men stubbed out butts
in ashtrays or stepped on
smoking remnants
in the dirt to punctuate
an arguing point: smoking
as rhetorical trope.

Professors smoked cigarettes
in class. My teacher Karl
Shapiro tried to quit
the cigs, took up
a pipe but couldn't keep it
lit. The cardboard matches
piled up as we chewed on
poem-drafts and he looked
on, sometimes waving the pipe
in a flourish like a failed wand.

Smokers look furtive now,
as if they were on parole.
Even in rain, they herd-up
against walls, a regulation
distance from a work-site plinth.
Although I'm not a smoker
of tobacco, I feel sorry for them.