Showing posts with label Sierra Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sierra Valley. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Crossing the Sierra Valley

Rolling through the scuffed
micro-towns of Vinton and Chilcoot,
we get to a panorama
of the Sierra Valley--biggest
high-altitude plain in these mountains.

Golden light that's slipped past
thunderheads makes the Valley
glow like a cathedral floor. Now
the thunderheads drape blue
curtains of showers on
surrounding mountains.

We'll cross the Valley, then
take the highway's snaking
curves up a thousand feet
to Yuba Pass & from there
weave down to where the giant
blue massif of rock, the Sierra
Buttes, presents itself &
when I see it, I get a home

feeling even though I haven't
lived there for decades. I'm glad,
so glad, to see pockets of snow
up there in August.

hans ostrom