Home is a place where you keep
your stuff and almost have privacy.
Could be mansion, could be cardboard
box. Home is were you live
at the moment. Is home home?
I have felt it isn't. I have felt
it is a forgery. That said, Go home,
said with kindness quietly,
seems to be in every language
always good advice. Probably
home is where you'll probably
stay instead of going to that
other place to do those sociable
things. Home might be. With luck
it might be where things are easier.
hans ostrom 2017
your stuff and almost have privacy.
Could be mansion, could be cardboard
box. Home is were you live
at the moment. Is home home?
I have felt it isn't. I have felt
it is a forgery. That said, Go home,
said with kindness quietly,
seems to be in every language
always good advice. Probably
home is where you'll probably
stay instead of going to that
other place to do those sociable
things. Home might be. With luck
it might be where things are easier.
hans ostrom 2017