Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


I host a small city
of mites in my face-pores,
and so do you in yours.
Nature abhors
empty cellular suburbs.

I'm told it's one mite
per pore. No mite
bowling leagues
or metropolitan clubs,
it seems. Just a quiet
city of solitary dining
and solipsistic dreams.

I never hear mite-screams.

hans ostrom 2019

Monday, July 6, 2009

Skin's Stars


Skin's Stars

Freckles and moles and other colorations
constellate skin’s sky. Imagine connective
lines, then conjure epidermal legends:
huntress of the thigh, magic beetles near
the feet, miraculous bird on the back of
a hand. Or not. Go with the logistical reading,
points on a dermatological map suggesting
deeper strata of DNA, a digital code of
ancient migratory patterns--ah, but also
of collusions with sunlight. Glory be to God

wrote Hopkins (G.), for dappled things,
and skin certainly qualifies: dot-commissioned
by blots and bits of pigment, uncoalesced
pointillist portrait painted on your body’s
parchment, a realistic abstract rendering.
Scars appear like halted asteroids on this
sky, or they try to get a message through
using ghostly notation—something about
the time you fell down on creek-slate or
tried to break up a dogfight with one hand.

Copyright 2009 Hans Ostrom