Showing posts with label cockroaches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cockroaches. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


The elevated train shook
and rattled his dank studio
apartment. A a cat sleeping next
to him began to buzz its own
body with purring. Indecipherable

words from a cranked up TV
next door hummed inside wall
studs and plaster-board. Somewhere
in the city, his former lover
snored, he knew, her nose

morphed into a kind of kazoo. 
He listened past the dins
and thought he heard the rustle
& tap of cockroaches & now a
furnace pipe joined the noise.

hans ostrom 2024

Thursday, July 23, 2020

New York

I lived in New York for two weeks
once. Doing some research in Harlem.
The apartment's sad kitchen
had been in New York quite
a while, had arrived full of
confidence. The cockroaches,
who made me pine for my college
studio hole, belonged to well known
New York cockroach families.
I could tell by the way they
carried themselves. Only years
later did it occur to me
that New York's intensity
must, to lonely people, become
a merciless cruelty.

hans ostrom