The soup is thin
and dejected. I console it
while spooning it up.
The bread is dry
and rigid like an
angry pastor.
I introduce it
to the soup,
baptizing it,
and it softens.
The wine's eyes
are bright with tears.
It misses sunshine.
I sip it gently.
This food is sustenance,
I must not complain.
But I cannot deny
that this meal
is in mourning. So
I leap up, kind of.
I flee in search
of a rich dessert
or a witty woman in
a red dress, or both.
hans ostrom 2018
and dejected. I console it
while spooning it up.
The bread is dry
and rigid like an
angry pastor.
I introduce it
to the soup,
baptizing it,
and it softens.
The wine's eyes
are bright with tears.
It misses sunshine.
I sip it gently.
This food is sustenance,
I must not complain.
But I cannot deny
that this meal
is in mourning. So
I leap up, kind of.
I flee in search
of a rich dessert
or a witty woman in
a red dress, or both.
hans ostrom 2018