Socrates or the committee
that built the Temple of Delphi
or someone else said, "Know
calls this "a moral epistemolo-
gical injunction." A search warrant.
Know thyself: Good luck with that.
It's frequently exhausting just
taking care of oneself, family,
friends, work, pets. Then there's
the community and, in theory,
pleasure. True self-knowledge
is like that vacation you never take.
It's also an illusion, one of the
all-time best. I wonder if
Socrates knew what kind of person
goes around advising other
people, "Know thyself."
hans ostrom 2020
that built the Temple of Delphi
or someone else said, "Know
calls this "a moral epistemolo-
gical injunction." A search warrant.
Know thyself: Good luck with that.
It's frequently exhausting just
taking care of oneself, family,
friends, work, pets. Then there's
the community and, in theory,
pleasure. True self-knowledge
is like that vacation you never take.
It's also an illusion, one of the
all-time best. I wonder if
Socrates knew what kind of person
goes around advising other
people, "Know thyself."
hans ostrom 2020