Showing posts with label brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brazil. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2025

Winter Samba


(song lyric)

I find I need to feel my feet

On Ipanema sand

And see the supple bodies  -

So lithe and tawny tan.


I conjure up Brazilian heat -

 And sense the sultry sun.

I crave the fiery chill  of

Cold rum on my tongue.


Play a winter samba

To melt my soul’s cold ice.

A soft & sultry samba -

The sound of paradise.


Play a winter samba

That sways just like a palm

Beside a breezy beach -

The ocean bright and calm.


Winter wears me down  -

The city’s gray and cold.

The forecast every day’s

The old same-old same-old.


Who are all these strangers

Who sneeze and cough on me?

I spend my evening shivering,

In front of the TV.



Buffalo and Cleveland,

Detroit, Ontario.

Winter wants to strangle them.

Winter won’t let go.


Seattle and Chicago,

Berlin and Paris, too.

The rain and snow and darkness

Dye all our spirits blue.


How much are flights to Rio?

Okay -  I’ll check online.

Do I have Brazilian cousins

Who own a silver mine?



hans ostrom 2025