Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weird. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Conditional, Tense

I would introduce you
to my friends, but I
don't have any. Hardly.

I'd give an hour-long
speech (favorable)
about your personality,

but I have nothing
prepared. If you would
give me your consent,

I'd kiss you on the cheek--
face or derriere. (Yes,
I am enamored of you,

an I use the term
"enamored of"). I
would do this, I

could do that. Life
lacks luster, and I am
conditionally tense.

hans ostrom

Friday, March 9, 2018

It Will Be Our Secret

Tell me a secret. One
that belongs to someone else.
Change the name to prevent
feelings of betrayal--or glee.

Indeed, alter the secret.
Create, embellish. Make
it as rare as you want.
Too weird: What does that

that even mean? Go ahead,
tell me the awful inside
knowledge you've invented.
It will be our little secret.

hans ostrom 2018