Showing posts with label naming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label naming. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Names and Us

All of it seemed to have been named before
we arrived—everything from
milk to mountains, trowels

to trapezoids, angst to alliteration;
also blue-bottle flies, faith,
obsidian, and warts.

We did what we could.  We
morphed words so they labeled
nothing except pleasure our mouths
and minds felt saying, hearing:
Bibble the lubble, Mr. Nubble.

We named imaginary friends,
including Princess Her and Eddie.
What was not a fort (a collapsed
shack) we called Fort, what was
not food (mud), Pie. 

They sent us to school to study names
systematically.  They told
stories about their lives.  Names
recurred in these tales.  We listened.
Invisible emotional currents began
to buzz our psyches.  Later we
might name such currents Fear or
Loneliness, knowing such naming to be
not enough. We began to know
and respect the Unnamable, which
seemed to be where all the action was.

Society manufactured alps
of new things & advertising
name them--pills, cars, gadgets,
political cults, on and on. We
learned and bought.

We grew malevolently bored with names
we’d known a long time, with things
to which these names were attached.  Our
world seemed choked by names.
We named our condition Life.  That
was a mistake.

ostrom 2022