an old man,
interested in the world.
a teacher.
kicked out of Athens
by Alexander:
not so great. oh, well.
ignorance drags
tyrants to Hell.
a fine island.
water. light on water.
dry hills, birds in air,
students who care.
who cared enough to
follow an old man here.
good memories of quibbles
with Plato,
whom the con of idealism
hustled. like Socrates,
he looked too often
for reasons not to know.
drink the hemlock?
highly impractical.
death's efficient enough
as it is. better to live,
if only a year more.
living is learning,
a chance to know more
until you know death.
Chalcis is a fine town
on this island named
after a nymph.
it smells better than Athens.
round and round goes
the dance of perception,
the music of the spheres.
heartbeats in ears.