Showing posts with label neurons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neurons. Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Conductors, You and I

Me and you, protons
and electrons through and 
through atoms that compose
our noses and toes. We
give off light and heat, you
know, of course you know,
oh omnivorous power plants
are we as we with our flows
of energy, heating each other
up in beds and other close
quarters, which is why
windows of cars and buses
fog up and sweat and even
trickle tears. Conductor
of electricity, today I shall try
to sluice my energy
appropriately in public and in
this wired-up, copper-webbed
abode, this wireless, fireless
cave. It's kind of exciting
to my neurons to have a bit
of lightning coursing through
what one calls one's brain,
which rewires itself in sleep to dream.

Hans Ostrom 2024

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Neuron Rogues

Images from anywhere--
dark wet street meets
moon-faced flea-market
vendor meets mandolin
and fire: this is dream--

freed from time because
a sleeping brain is off the clock,
its rogue crew of neurons
free to cook a dewy stew and eat it
behind a turquoise waterfall
or in a plaid nylon shack.

Dreaming's a freedom
one's will can't boss--
a cinema playing beside itself.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

And the Feelings Thus Conjured

She's dipping her hands in the paint
that neuron networks manufacture.
She's rising from sleep and adorning
the darkness with bright looping
smears her fingertips eject.

The fog shows up, a loose collection
of gray blobs held inside a pale
amorphous balloon. There is a sound
of grinding, a sound of grinding,
a grinding, a sound. She says to no one,

"Sing with me: 'I am stuck on 
the balcony of REM sleep . . .!'"
We don't have to call it anything, you
know. We can just experience it
and the feelings thus conjured,

and live an entire lifetime
there in a mind-sponsored moment.

hans ostrom 2017