Saturday, October 17, 2020

You, Sir, Are Morbid

Where you are well into
your sixth decade & you
think often of how you're
going to get it, it being
the absence of being.

Shot? It's America, so
yeah, good guess. Cancer?
You tried that once.
Going all the way with it:
how much pain? Acute
pneumonia: the long drowning.
Heart attack: hurt and horror.
Stroke: same. Dementia--

you're dying but it seems
like someone else is?
You always were morbid,
weren't you? Because
thinking the worst seemed
to help you pretend to 
control things. Ah, that's

it--you'll probably die 
trying to control something.
Which, in the abstract,
is kind of funny. Oh, well,
as a sage of the Sierra Nevada
once said to you, "Kid,
we gotta die of something."

hans ostrom 2020

1 comment:

Fran Caldwell said...

I keep bumping into you online, Hans. Anyway, highbrow or not, the attached link is for my latest book...not quite released yet.

Kind thoughts,
