(image: painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
I've never had an art-lesson, and it shows. But I've been trying to paint and/or draw for decades. A few things have turned out okay, including an acrylic painting of a doe and a fawn, wherein the doe's backside faces the viewer. People seemed amused by that choice. I did some really weird facial caricatures in chalk-on-paper that make me laugh. I show them to almost no one. Then I did this big smear-paint-on-canvas thing, dominated by red, and I didn't think much of it (and still don't) and would have kept it in hiding except people with whom I live liked it enough to hang it--on the wall, I mean. This comes under the category of "go figure." I'm also an inveterate doodler, especially in meetings, and especially if I know where the meeting is heading. While I'm waiting for it to get there, I doodle, mostly faces, not faces I'm looking at, just faces.
Karl Shapiro painted a bit, I think, and so did John Betjeman. Kenneth Patchen actually made drawings to accompany his poems. I don't think they're very good, but what do I know? Blake, I guess, is the all-time champion, creating stupendous illuminations and engravings connected to his work. Dante Gabriel Rossetti painted very well and wrote very well.
So here's a shout-out to three bloggers who are poets who paint and painters who write. In some ways, blogging is a great medium for the writer/painter or painter/writer (and "painter" is kind of a place-holder for all sorts of visual art, including digital collages, photography, videography, etc.). In a weird way, the Internet is helping us loop back to medieval times, when texts were routinely illuminated and the visual & textual got on quite well. The bloggers:
http://francaldwellsnotebook.blogspot.com/ and on this one there is a link to another site with images of the blogger's paintings
And here's a link to Deb Richardson's site. She does quilts and visual collages (including the Emily/Elvis one up top):
Ohh, this is exciting! :D
I wonder if other painters who write/writers who paint also find it hard to escape using painting metaphors in their writing...! And I didn't know that you had some pieces of art, either! I'm curious what kind of faces 'Awesome Ostrom' (as you've been dubbed by your ToddPhibbs students) draws?
In my novels, my protagonists are always artists.
(Oh, and you could have put up my art blog link.)
But to be in such great company, tagged with Blake and Rosetti, I am struck dumb.
Really, I'm totally fefared with awe.
Oh, and e.e.cummings!
You can see his paintings here:
And a piece I like to teach is "Forward to an Exhibit II", where he constructs a self-interview and connects his painting with his poetry:
These are thoughts and explorations that are very much alive in my work at the moment. I cannot divorce one from the other. Who I am as a writer, as an artist are part of my central being.
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