Monday, August 11, 2008

What, Conservatives Worry?

When conservatives worry about McCain, then I get even more worried about McCain. Hawk-faced Pat Buchanan, noted isolationist and perfecter of the chop-motion while talking and giving speeches, said [on CNN] President McCain would make Cheney look like Ghandi--not physically, I assume, but by comparison. (Buchanan did not seem to intend the comparison as a compliment; with Buchanan, one feels one has to add that information.) Andrew Sullivan, one of those seemingly very bright people who nonetheless swallowed Bush's bait about WMD's and tried to cough it up long after the hook had been set, has posted quite an interesting anti-McCain video on his blog. Here is the link:

Probably the most compelling speaker on the video is Scott Ritter, one of innumerable people who seemed to know what they were talking about during the "run-up" to the war and who was therefore ignored, dismissed, and attacked by Bush and the Surrogates.

A mere poet, I do wonder what the military and the intelligence agencies think of Bush and what I deduce to be his compulsive recklessness and lifetime of being unaccountable. He has been reckless in going to war, in conducting the war and the occupation, in the unprecedented use of contractors, in the breaking (John Murtha's word) of the army and Marines, in forging documents (see Suskind's book, and apparently Suskind has the audio tapes to back up the findings), and in betraying spies. Mustn't even the professionals regard Bush as reckless and incompetent? I don't know.

A mere poet, I wouldn't mind if Obama and McCain would agree to read Wilfred Owen's "Dulce Et Decorum Est" out loud and then comment briefly on it.

A mere poet, I wonder if Putin and McCain are some kind of international marriage made in Hell.

A mere poet, I do wonder what a mere citizen can do to prevent President Bush, President McCain, perhaps even President Obama, from attacking Iran.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain is an American hero! That is a factual part of his personal history and the history of our nation as noted and accepted by any and all legitimate historians everywhere. Anybody who doubts such a fact probably believes that Jane Fonda was being a good American when she gave a note slipped to her by an American prisoner of war in Hanoi to his captors ensuring more beatings and progressively worse torture for the soldier in question.

It is beyond my ability to understand Americans that want to blame our country (and our soldiers) for all that is wrong in the world and Obama is certainly among this variety of American as is proven by his desire to talk with Iran and its government when they are actively involved in killing our soldiers. The Democratic Party promotes and openly endorses this idea that all things wrong with the world are somehow, in some way America’s fault. This insane belief spills over onto our soldiers as the democrats cannot understand or appreciate anybody that would give their lives fighting for or defending this nation that they believe is inherently evil.

It is precisely Obama’s position that he would engage the Iranian nation in dialogue as it finds new and more sinister ways to kill our soldiers and provide material support and training to terrorist that will eventually use such support to attack us once more on our own soil, it is precisely this willingness to lend our enemies his ear that convinces me that Obama will do nothing to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability. Furthermore there is every reason to believe that Iran, once it has acquired such a capability will immediately attack Israel and kill anywhere from between 5 and 10 million Israelis. Depending on Israel’s ability to counter attack, anywhere between 50 and 80 million Iranians will die in the initial nuclear assault.

The only way that this might be different, assuming that Obama is our next President, is if Israel attacks Iran first with a preemptive nuclear strike, as they do not have the conventional capability to do much more that rattle the windows on Iran’s bunkered nuclear infrastructure. I doubt that such a preemptive strike would happen in time though as Obama would threaten Israel with the loss of American protection and support if it did in fact move to protect itself from such an existential threat.

If Obama becomes our next president, his idealistic naivety and lack of experience will ensure a nuclear exchange in the Middle East causing the deaths of tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of people.