Sunday, December 20, 2020
Merry Christmas, Mary Magdalene
McCoy Tyner
in Berkeley, smoke like Bay fog lay
over heads of cool-hip-jazz-club-clientele &
waitresses slivered through tables/bodies/chairs,
kept drinks coming, ice and glass and liquid held aloft &
Mr. Tyner
--he hit the mthrfckn keys
so hard one time strings
popped & whipped like snakes out
‘the belly of the grand dark
& the percussionist had some
mojo stuff hanging from racks—
bones, steel tubes, feathers—
humid and scratchy and knock-talk
click-back bicker-bock-a-zone
sounds, & McCoy was rippin and roarin,
working the gift
of Keyborderland. And the horns. It was a big
marrow-filling, ear-enlightening night. Outside
after encores:
cool, misty Berkeley. Had a look around
to see which way the karma blew,
got in the ’67 Camaro, drove back up EYE-80
to plain brown-cow Davis, college town,
humming like the lowest pianoforte
E-note pedaled through the measures.
"Winter Solstice," by Kara B. Imle
A link to a fine poem by Kara B. Imle, "Winter Solstice," in the online journal medium:
Friday, December 18, 2020
Traveling Cat
(second version)
He was a traveling cat. He raced
and slunk, padded and trotted, sleek
and balanced, tendons full of
future speed. He moved soundlessly
but for a hiss or a yowl now
and then, or a crazy crash,
never his fault. Yes, a
questing cat, moving from this to
that, from at to at, detecting
motion, smooth as lotion, reading
air, decoding sounds from
everywhere. Itinerant and
cool, self-possessed and freely
feline--leonine, nined up with lives,
purring worries, cagey but uncaged,
guileless and wise. Green eyes.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Bartok and the Stars
(second version)
"The ways of life are infinite and mysterious."- Georgio Scerbanenco, Traitors to All, translated by Howard Curtis
In spite of my playing, the piano
produced a simple minuet by Bartok,
which made me think of walking
cautiously across a frozen pond.
An empty coffee cup sat there
on the bookshelf. Cool ceramic.
Out there, and "up": night.
And stars, which we think of
as a permanent installation,
not a chaotic map of explosions
or freckles on an infinite face.
I dream recurrently about new
stars, close and bright,
flowing past in a sky-parade
as I look up from a meadow
in mountains and watch,
thrilled and terrified. I almost
forget to breathe. Someone I can't see
says, "Words are stars. I've
told you that before. Many times."
Istanbul Evening
(second version)
A white, four-masted yacht slips between
dingy barges and trawlers, disappears into
a blue haze on the Sea of Marmara. The call
to prayer's an hour away. Swallows dive
and glide, pigeons prowl, the sun's
about to settle down.
Below the terrace, lush maples and oaks
sigh and sway, leaning west. Sounds of traffic,
children, and work never cease. Near a mosque's
minaret on the hill, a faded Turkish flag
flutters in slow motion. Now a seagull appears.
It glides in a wide arc, which now becomes
a large invisible circle. The glide traces
ever smaller concentric circles against
the backdrop of the sea until the gull
lands precisely at the point of a rooftop
below. The gull stands,
strong and ready, facing a low sun, and
something in the scene says all is well
this evening, even when it may not be,
especially if it may not be.
Poetry Consulates
(second version)
and the bronze horseman who saw
the city before it was built. Langston
Hughes loved the idea of Harlem,
also some people there. Did Baudelaire
love Paris? Splenetically, maybe.
I don't think Dickinson loved
any cities. The village of her mind
sufficed, urban in its way.
It pleases me to think
of all the poets writing now
in Istanbul and Mainz, Hong
Kong and Honolulu, Uppsala
and Houston, Brasilia and Berlin,
Tehran and Tangier and all
the other cities where poets
live--every city in other words,
in their words, which
follow their cities around,
no matter how often the
cities change disguises
or suffer horrors. Poets'
words attach themselves to love
and food, despair and dreams,
rage and work and filth and beauty.
If only these poets could meet
and read their poems and argue
but not fight, ask questions
about language and children,
mountains and rivers and trains.
Should we, then, build poetry consulates
in all these poem-filled cities?
Yes, yes we should.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
10 Tips for Successful Holiday Entertaining
(re-posting one from long ago)
1. Hide
2. Surprise your guests by dressing up as Santa Claws, the Beast from the South Pole.
3. Invite friends of many and no faiths and from across the political spectrum. Insist that they discuss only politics and religion. If the conversation lags, bring up the topic of sports teams.
4. Hold a seance and summon the spirits of dead-gifts-past: Soap on a Rope, the Gensu Slicer, 007 Perfume, Medieval Scholar Barbie.
5. Take any Martha Stewart recipe and add absinthe.
6. Spend an evening with your favorite nice-and-naughty person and insist that she or he be good, for goodness sake, if not excellent.
7. Host a small gathering of Philatelists, and have them display their holiday stamps from around the world.
8. Play "The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies" backwards and listen for secret messages.
9. Sponsor a cage-match between Frosty the Snowman and Jack Frost.
10. After the chestnuts have been roasted on an open fire in the street where you live, put on a bright red nose (and nothing else), dance ecstatically, listen for the festive sounds of sleigh bells, dreidels, and police sirens.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
Festival's End
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Dawn Testimony
Better Than Magic
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Clothing Catalogues
{according to our mailbox, it's definitely catalogue season}
I like to look at clothing catalogues
because photographed models
look so glad. "This sweater makes
me very happy," says a photo of a
man. "We're both wearing hopeful
skirts," says a snapshot of two women.
Some clothes appear without models
but seem animated: arms of shirts
and blouses assert themselves.
"We won't wait for bodies to take
us traveling," says the cloth. Noble
prose describes the products:
"Traditional cashmere in contemporary
styles. Imported." Retail catalogues
are a kind of comedy in which people
marry products in the end and prices
dance with prose. You see in a good
light what's for sale, gazing at
things you think might improve you.
hans ostrom 2011/2020