Saturday, November 28, 2020
She Wanted to Be Wrong
Friday, November 27, 2020
Budgetary Matters
[a revision of one I posted years ago]
The spreadsheet is all before you. The farther
left you travel, the more desirable things become.
Indeed the items named seem not just necessary
but inevitable, prophesied. As you travel toward
the reckoning right hand of calculation, acquisition
seems unlikely. You think of Zeno's Paradox.
You begin to feel an urge to save rubber-bands
and bits of string, to eat left-overs, sew
your own clothes, share your food with
people society discounts. When you finally arrive
in the severe, humorless zone of the numbers-column,
you then descend toward the hell of the Bottom Line,
which is, oddly enough, shown by two lines.
At that frontier, expenses devour entrails of income.
Accountants costumed in gray feathers perform
a ghastly arithmetical dance. You hear someone
mumble, "Nothing we can afford is worth doing,"
to which you respond, "Nothing worth doing
is quantifiable," which you don't believe.
You stand up and demand to know the origin
of money. You are forcibly subtracted
from the room. As you depart, you
hear someone say, "I think we just found
some extra money in the budget!"
"Passageways," by Antonio Machado
A reading/video of a short poem by Seville-born poet Antonio Machado (1879-1939). Not sure who the translator is, but Machado's translator's include Willis Barnstone, Robert Bly, and Alan Trueblood.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
"A Thanksgiving," by W.H. Auden
Recorded this one a long time ago; in it, Auden thanks those who influenced his poetry:
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
"The Composer," by W.H. Auden
Reading/video of a short poem by Mr. Wystan Hugh Auden in which he distinguishes between music and other arts. Poem is from his Collected Poems from Knopf.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
It's 1954, And Emmett Kelly Remembers . . .
and people panicked like animals,
but the big cats got strangely calm.
The famous clown rushed from
the small dressing-tent in makeup,
managed more authority than a cop
because a clown's not supposed
to speak, so when he spoke,
the wild eyed customers listened.
They let him save their lives
with a frown. Back in his tent,
he said to Willie in the mirror,
"No show tonight. No show
in Clown Alley." Other clowns
entered, hysterical, told who'd lived,
who hadn't. (168 hadn't.)
'You were wonderful, ' they told Emmett,
who had removed half of Willie's face.
Kelly shrugged, said: 'I did what I could.'
Now in 1954, Madison Square Garden,
Emmett's put on half of Willie's face.
He feels weary. He tells an interviewer,
"Clowning is nothing you can study for."
Monday, November 23, 2020
A Pebble in the Gravel
and catching, wading and releasing;
out of breathing, walking, slipping,
falling, rising; from deepening dusks, darkening
pools. Sometimes the stream
clarified underwater gravel and boulders;
whorls of debris appeared as if
magnified: and a trout came up,
stared at duplicity, declined. Water
returned to its blurred blend
of liquid window, liquid door.
Sometimes a hatch of gnats
exploded into existence--its own,
mine, the canyon's, Earth's. Or: suddenly
a snake. Or: a deer, staring, black
nostrils flaring. Or: kingfisher, ouzel,
hawk, robin. Bat. Or: one's awareness
of one's self as a loose knot
of ambition, instinct, appetite,
motor skills, boredom--together cast
briefly over water, offered.
Sometimes the stream
roared quietly, mumbled forcefully,
and against such sound (North
Yuba, North Yuba), awareness
of one's thin, tentative presence
in presence might rise briefly,
leap, re-submerge.
Of Being
We step off the Evolution Express
carrying a valise of neurons.
We are headed nowhere
and already there.
We live between our bones,
napping in hammocks of selfhood.
hans ostrom 1999/2020
"Metallic Traces"
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
"The Waning Moon," by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Reading/video of a short poem by the famous British Romantic poet, Shelley, 1792-1822. Husband of Mary Shelley.