Thursday, October 8, 2020

Women, Books, Making a Living

Apparently one of my major
aims in life was to get a lot of
books, bring them home,
and read them more or less
at the same time. Also, I
developed an interest in
and as a form, a genre,
of human being. Soon
I began to receive messages
about "making a living,"
which (I get it) is important
but which is immeasurably
tedious when contrasted
with books, women, and
women-and-books. Is the
way I look at it, apparently. 

hans ostrom 2020

"Tears Fall In My Heart," by Paul Verlaine

 Reading/video of a poem by French Symbolist and so-called Decadent, Paul Verlaine (1844-1896)--translated by Richard Greene:

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

"On the Nature of Love," by Rabindranath Tagore

 One of the better known poems by Tagore (1861-1941), poet, composer, philosopher, fiction writer, artist--astoundingly talented. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Monday, October 5, 2020

Emily Dickinson writes of hauntings: "One Need not be a Chamber to Be Haunted"

 Video/reading of a poem by Emily Dickinson--number 407 or 670, depending upon the numbering system.


After a life, or most of one,
of doing his duty, meeting
his responsibilities and obeying
their orders, he found he couldn't

relax as others did. He made
too much even of small tasks,
compelled himself to follow
through, stay strong, be there.

Voices of authorities past
gabbed in his head. He vowed
that one day he would not do
what he was supposed to do. 

But would he follow through?

hans ostrom 2020

A Thin Smile in the Rain

 When you wait a long time
for something that will never arrive,
you're not waiting. You're
hoping. You're pretending. 

Or: something about you 
likes that feeling of disappointment,
the sense in which the world
is unforgivably hard
but you're not giving in. 

You find it's a bit like walking
in rain without hat, coat, or
umbrella and not minding--
your hair, face, clothes, 
and shoes soaked. People

look at you and look away.
They act like you don't know
you're wet. You set your 
thin smile. And keep walking.

hans ostrom 2020

"Ghosts," by Elizabeth Jennings

 Just in time for Halloween, a poem by British poet Elizabeth Jennings, "Ghosts," video/reading:

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

"I Loved You," by Alexander Pushkin

 Reading/video of a short poem by the great Russian writer. The poem was translated by Babette Deutsch, American writer, critic, poet, and translator.