Thursday, October 3, 2013


just ice
just is
in just
in jest
indigest onion
in dig est
in dig o
o blue o blue o

in jester
no justice
no jest is
no just is

no peace
know peace
know piece
no peace
no peas
no pleas

no, pleas
no place
no justice no place
just please
just pleas
just peace
just us

hans ostrom 2013


Race is mmmm.
Racism is.
Re: racism:

White, White, White
Why it, Why it, Why it
Wyatt burp

Wee, Wee, Wee
Wit, Wit, Wit
Nit, Nit, Nit
Not, Not, Not
Knot, Knot, Knot
Know, Know, Know

No, no, no, no, no
no racism no

hans ostrom 2013


What used to be Eisenhower's Party
is now a toxic,
radioactive brew
of John Birch, Joseph McCarthy,
Orville Faubus, Jessie Helms,
the enfeebled Ronald Reagan,
Birth of a Nation,
the Bush Crime family,
Ayn Rand (speed freak),
and the KKK. Lord?
Help us.

hans ostrom 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


sex you all, mais oui?
sex, oo, ah, & tea
sex, you, quality
sexual equality

sex you wall it. ee!
sex you wallet tee
sex, you all
sex you all at ease

sex, sex, sex
you, you, you
all, all, all,
it, it, it,
y, y, y

sex ual it y
fits you to a T
oh yes yes laugh at me
i like to laugh you see
i like to laugh, Lucy
you laugh, too, you/me
without humor, we

have no sexuality
we must be loose
loose/loosey, oh

hans ostrom 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013


In two.
In, too.

Inn, too.
Inn. Two.
Into Inn.

I, too, in.
I to in.
Into me.
Into mate.

hans ostrom 2013

"Moonlight Night: Carmel," by Langston Hughes

Minor Intimidations

A tag on a blanket
tells me in writing
not to remove the tag.
Removal, it notes,
is a criminal act.
Another entry, I think,
for The Encyclopedia
of Minor Intimidations.

hans ostrom 2013

The Plot of the Universe

Plot, a human invention, a narrowing
we need, is something
the universe doesn't require.

For the universe
is thermodynamic
and never exactly
itself any time.

is infinitely, multi-
dimensionally episodic,
in all and no directions.

This is a little
story about the universe.
You tell one. It's
what we do.

hans ostrom 2013

"Fall Wind," by William Stafford

Friday, September 27, 2013

People Are Disappointed

When I say "October" I feel
compelled to say "again."
People are disappointed.

A military aircraft flies overhead
and makes great noise as I try to teach.
People are disappointed.

Today somebody said, "I saw a scorpion in
my house,": and her friend said, "That's impossible."
People are disappointed.

In Syria alone there are two million
refugees. And elsewhere refugees. Refugees.
People are disappointed.

Over the years, several times, I've said,
"I can't influence anything political."
People are disappointed.

Into the o's of October, I stuff
my acrid outrages, what a joke.
People are disappointed.

I tried to tell someone about jazz,and the
person said, "You mean like Light Jazz on FM?"
People are disappointed.

I think I've died a hundred times, and yet
I still look forward to death.
People are disappointed.

hans ostrom 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Organoids

I enjoy how science hunts down philosophy
like a big cat on a plain:

the clever bastards now make
yes, that's right, brains
in vats, the old

Yes, of course, maybe
it's a case of brains in vats
they're making brains in vats;
and of

other brains in vats imagining
they're reading and writing
about same. Alas, not likely.
Occam's Razor slices a leak
in vats of that sort.

I do hope there is a neo-funk-
band out there now named
"The Organoids." That,

by the way, is something my
brain thought, some meager
morsel a big cat might snack on.

hans ostrom 2013