Showing posts with label apples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apples. Show all posts

Thursday, August 26, 2021

She Returns to the Farm

          (with memories of Tom Rickman)

It is raining. There are apples.
It is. There are. Apples, rain, mud,
land. Land not built on. Yet. At 
night, such quiet, much quiet,
too much . . . .

The reckless ones died early.
The cautious ones grew old and died.
The orchard grew into a farm, 
which grew into an operation. 

Thus orchard, a young grafted
tree,  became a mature
producer. Which became an
autonomous hybrid banyan/apple
tree walking around the place,
planting itself. She
does/doesn't understand. 

It is raining. There are apples.
The money is good. She can't stay. 

hans ostrom 2021

Friday, March 13, 2020

Regarding Planted Trees

The trees I've planted in several
locales on this West Coast
have their own lives. They
must manage sap, paint leaves,
then cast them off, then more
leaves, blossoms, plums, apples . . .
Birds and insects consider
these trees to be airports

and resorts for summer avian
tourists. From a window
I can see the sensualist fig
tree spread its branches
voluptuously. It produces
shamelessly extravagant leaves.
Months from now it will let
figs swell, harden, soften
lasciviously. Thank God 
I planted that tree, I murmur
sometimes to myself, quietly.

hans ostrom 2020

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Eve's Note to Adam

Thank you for the box
of twigs. How did you come to think
to save them? And the pebbles, too.
Pebbles and twigs, apples
and figs, ah what a summer it was
even though we got evicted.

hans ostrom 2018